November 17, 2022 |2 min read
December Cool Cats of the Month: Meet Kimo and Kayla!

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Cat Litter That Prioritizes Their
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We talked to PrettyLitter subscriber Alyssa A. about Kimo and Kayla and here’s what she had to say:
One Fun Fact About Kimo and Kayla
We saved Kimo and Kayla and their littermates the day they were born. It was touch and go. We lost three siblings within a week, but these two pulled through and now we have an incredible bond with them as their parents. We always thought we would be a dog family, but we are now a Cat Loving family furever. Raising them during Covid really helped keep us grounded and sane.

Kimo and Kayla’s Favorite Pastimes
Love chasing the sun's reflections off objects in the house.

Kimo and Kayla’s Most Mischievous Behaviors
Playing in the PrettyLitter and kicking it everywhere!

If your cats could have one thing unlimited for the rest of time, what would it be?
Playing in the backyard. (under supervision)

Thank you for sharing your story Alyssa, Kimo, and Kayla!
Curious about the revolutionary litter that’s giving these cat parents real peace of mind? Try PrettyLitter today!